Gareth Bestor (@Xiphware)
Objective Corp
What contributions have you made to ODK?
I've been active contributor to ODK Community since 2017, a Forum moderator since 2018 (I think...), and a member of the ODK TSC/TAB since 2019. I've also been quite active in the associated KoboToolbox community Forum (similarly, answering some of their perhaps more obscure XForm form-related questions...). On occasion I've posted a few examples of some of the more fun and 'exotic' things your can accomplish with XForms, and hence Collect.
How do you believe your contributions have benefited ODK?
I hope my contributions to the ODK Forum in answering some of the trickier form-design related questions have been useful to the broader community. And that the practical experience I have gained from having to implement a 3rd-party ODK-compatible mobile client has been able to provide a degree of rigor to ODK's published APIs and XForm specifications. I have greatly enjoyed this 'collaboration', and I still have a tremendous motivation to see that ODK "does it right [spec-wise]"
What do you believe the top priorities for ODK should be?
I believe longitudinal data collection remains the biggest missing feature of ODK, and something that I continue to remain acutely interested in seeing develop [more so for having to implement something myself quickly, but bespoke, for GoMobile]. I also believe full GIS feature integration into ODK data capture has tremendous untapped potential, most especially in relation to longitudinal data collection. I'm excited to see ODK do these in the best possible manner.
How will you help ODK accomplish those priorities?
As alluded to above, the top priorities I see for ODK are things that I am especially interested in finally seeing come to fruition, and I will endeavor to contribute to elegant solutions therewith as best I possibly can. Standards-based, offline mobile data collection is what I remain most passionate about.
How many hours a week can you commit to participating on the TAB?
4 (inc. Forum moderation)
What other data collection projects, social impact projects, or open source projects are you involved with?
I have been actively working on an open source native iOS XForms client (iXForms) compatible with ODK Aggregate - and now Central - for a few years now. I (desperately!) hope to finish the base functionality off this year to release it for beta testing by the wider ODK community. So I remain atune to ODK Central's API and ODK's XForm specifications in general, which I am keen to see remain as formal specifications, potentially consumable by other clients.
In my previous job (Master Business Systems) I was the lead for their GoMobile mobile inspection product [which was based on an earlier version of my iXForms]. Presently at Objective I am working on the next version of mobile building inspections. Which is to say, mobile forms is what I probably do best.
In a previous life I was part of the IBM Linux Technology Center, where everything I wrote was around open source Systems Management software, and was open source, a bunch of which is still shipping in the the current Linux distros. I still firmly believe in leveraging quality open-source software whenever possible.
Please share any links to public resources (e.g., resume, blog, Github) that help support your application.