geoODK Crash loading offline MBtile when filling out form

Hi geoODK and ODK community,

I am trying to use geoODK to collect spatial and non spatial information in a remote offline setting. I have successfully created an offline layer using tilemill. The tile layer is a georeferenced screen shot from satellite imagery and was saved in jpeg format. The tile layer loads on the home page map in the right location and size, however when adding a geoshape within a form, I find that I need to call the offline layer because it is not automatically there, on loading the layer the app crashes completely.

The offline mbtile is only 1.23mb in size.

Is this a known issue?

Does anyone have any solutions?

Thank you in advance!


Hi @Freddie_Hunter

please contact GeoODK team if it's a problem with their app.