Help regarding the appearance of images in enketo

Hello everyone.

I am creating a conjoint form where i will show images to respondents. i am using compact-2 at appereance column because i want to show to the respondent the images in 2 searate columns. Now i will show different images to different respondents from the db panel we have at our company. Because of that
i am filtering images based on the id of the respondent. Now i have a problem. I don't know why but because of using the filter condition the top left corner is blank as in the image I will be uploading. This happends even if i leave only images for one respondent or if i want to show 6 photos and not 5 to the respondent. What coud be causing this? Do you know any idea how to fix it?

Thanx in advance,


Would you mind to check if you encounter a similar problem if you use textual labels, please
(You might just temporarily rename/suffix the image column title to a non-ODK, e.g. XX...

Even with text same thing happends. if i dont use filter everything is ok. I think it has to do sth with the filter. i am using sth like filter=${userid}, but even when i have data for only 1 respondent as in the image below this thing happends. because in the beginning i was thinking the top left corner was blank beacuse of other options that are filtered out. but i don't think that;s the problem.

Thanks. So, it is a general problem (independent of images).

Is the behaviour different, if the filter results in an even number of items (e.g. 4 instead of now 5).

Could you share a minimal extract of your form to further examine the problem, please?

Yes, it is the same behaviour no matter if the numbers are odd or even. I will share 2 forms one with all the filters and one with just one solely for simplicity.
cj_test_simple.xlsx (39.0 KB)
cj_test_full.xlsx (116.4 KB)

I don't believe this is an image related issue, but it's an Enketo issue. I have a similar display where there are 3 selects but the 'first' spot is blank in a columns-3 no-buttons appearance.

It does render correctly in Collect on device though.

If you remove the no-buttons appearance, does it render correctly in Enketo?

Yes it's not an image issue. I also believe it's an enketo issue but don't know how to fix it. I only said "image" because that's what I will show to the respondents. The respondents will complete the survey in web form not in Collect. I have not used the "no-buttons" appearance. I have used Compact-n and it automatically doesn't show buttons by itself. Also the same thing happends even if I use likert scale. The respondents will complete the survey through their phone and because of this i want all the choices to appear in the screen without the need to scroll down.

Is a columns-n or columns-pack appearance tight enough to fit it all on screen?

if I use columns-3 yes all of them. If i use columns-2 it only leaves out the last image(they can see like the quarter of the image. but this last image is "None of these") in most phones.

There are a number of known spacing issues around selects with choice filters and unfortunately I think that's what you're experiencing:

We are no longer actively maintaining Enketo but will at least try to take a quick look now that we see a case where it's not only cosmetic. We also welcome others who may want to help fix this issue.