Help with dynamic loop

When using a repeat, it can complicate data analysis. You data export will have the primary data table, and then a secondary data table where each iteration of the repeat group will be a row of data. In your current design, you will have a primary data table with the first phone number. And then in your secondary data table, the first row will have the details of the first phone number and the second phone number. The second row will have the details of the second phone number and the third phone number. And so on. I think this might cause confusion or otherwise increase the chance of a mistake when analyzing the data.

I would move all your questions about each person inside the group and have only the questions for a single person within the repeat. You can then have language in your form to explain how to add another group. Are you going to be using Collect, Enketo, or both? The interaction for adding an additional group is slightly different, and you can adjust the language accordingly.

I've attached what I would suggest:
repeat group for messaging.xlsx (18.6 KB)

In Enketo...

In Collect...

Maybe, the documentation for controlling repeats can help you: