I understand that this has not been resolved still? The post on Git suggests that it has been tabled. I need to change the font of choice labels in my form so wondering if it is not actually possible.
Thank you!
I understand that this has not been resolved still? The post on Git suggests that it has been tabled. I need to change the font of choice labels in my form so wondering if it is not actually possible.
Thank you!
Hi @yuliab
which issue exactly? Could you attach a sample form?
Hello - sorry, I meant the formatting of choice labels. In the attached form I am trying to change to font of choice labels. The same syntax works fine for the survey label, but choices just displays everything together with the HTML. example.xlsx (21.8 KB) Thanks for looking into this!
Could you just try another font like in the doc https://docs.opendatakit.org/form-styling/
I think the one you try to use is not available on your device.
Formatting the choice labels does not work even when I try it out with the "sample styling" form attached in the example on https://docs.opendatakit.org/form-styling/ MarkdownExamples.xlsx (26.4 KB). Choice labels display the HTML, e.g., https://ee.kobotoolbox.org/x/#t1lzk6Sd.
After I install the Bamini font on my computer I can change survey labels to that font with no problem. However, I cannot do the same for choice labels, so it doesn't seem like not having the font is the problem. Although of course it would be much better if I had my translations in a Unicode font to begin with and would not have to go through changing the font at all (but this is a separate discussion).
What tool do you use? ODK Collect or maybe our fork like Kobo?
I am using Kobo - sorry perhaps should have specified at the outset.
Kobo is a fork of ODK Collect but uses an old version where the bug is not fixed. You can contact Kobo https://community.kobotoolbox.org/
Will do - thanks so much!
Hi @Grzesiek2010, in which version is the bug fixed, v1.18.1? KoBoCollect is now at version v1.23.3k.
Yes it was fixed in v1.18.1 https://github.com/opendatakit/collect/releases/tag/v1.18.1