How do I update the lists of select one fields directly through the database?

how do I update the lists of select one fields directly through the database? I use a php system in the same database as ODK collect. and I wanted that when changing some lists in the php system the same lists would be changed in odk forms. I use Postgresql

Welcome on the odk forum. Please take some time to Introduce yourself here! - #1110 by tiensinh3030

Choices list are not stored in the database. So you will have to update medias on the aggregate server.

In the past I wanted to do such a thing I finally never investigate to automate it.
But I had in mind to generate media files with psql and after push a new form version and media files to aggregate using briefcase (in a cron task)

And maybe I will need it soon, since we use collect to inventory and follow some hydrolic valves on the field. If a new one is created, I will need it in my choice list to follow its waterlevel later.

Please let me us know if you achieve this.

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