How do we set a number for Correct Choice and then collect those correct numbers?

How do we set a number for Correct Choice and then collect those correct numbers?

Are you asking about a way to use a survey as a test and calculate a score inside the form?

Yes We want to Take a Test and in the end it must show the result.

You can use a followup calculate question for each question the user answers that evaluates to "1" if correct. And then use a final calculate question to get the percent correct.

if(${test_question_1} = 'correctAnswer1', 1, 0 )
if(${test_question_2} = 'correctAnswer2', 1, 0 )
( (${test_question_1} + ${test_question_2}) / 2 ) * 100
  • this uses the if(...) function
  • you can also use round(...) in your final calculation to return a number with a specific number of decimal places
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