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Is it possible to force capitalisation within xlsx forms? -
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Vehicle Check Form.xlsx (586.4 KB)
You don't need to enforce it, as you can calculate
a capitalised value from the entry using the translate function.
Otherwise you could use a regular expression as a constraint
to prevent entry of any lower case characters, but translating is going to be much less annoying for the enumerator
Here is an example regex
expression from @Xiphware
Here is an (incomplete) example translate
expression from @Alexander_Torrado
As @ahblake aludes to, you cant strictly (en)force uppercase character entry - that would basically require intercepting keystrokes and remapping them at runtime, which neither Collect or Enketo support [even presenting an onscreen uppercase-only software keyboard, in Collect, doesn't prevent people from attaching a bluetooth physical keyboard to their phone...).
So you are left with either checking that only uppercase characters had been entered (ie a regex based constraint), or remapping/translating whatever they did enter to all uppercase after-the-fact (aka translate approach) and storing it in another field.