How to recuperate from laptop

What is the problem? Please be detailed.
I cut the formats, F1, F2 etc. To my laptop... But when I want to modified changing some words in the format I require to copy from the laptop to my mobile phone.. Mi cellphone can't recognize F1 for example and the others looks without saving the format

What ODK tool and version are you using? And on what device and operating system version?
The version is the last and the Sistem is andoid

What steps can we take to reproduce the problem?
When I try to edit again on my mobile phone, so I cut from The laptop to my cellphone, but I can't​ see the File

What you have you tried to fix the problem?
To copy from my laptop and to see on my cellphone then to edid

Anything else we should know or have? If you have a test form or screenshots or logs, attach here.

Hi Miguelangel,

if you want to edit forms you have to take in mind the char-set (font, OS),

i prefer to edit the xlsform and recreate your form,

Best Regards

Oh no... I think I am dying... Well that form is using GPS to do that I need to travel 4 days and then to go back. This format gave me the company that I was working, I don't​ know how to explain to them but maybe I can tell them that the app is not perfect.

Nader, thank you for your help.

Hi Miguelangel,

you are welcome

by the way

i prefer to tell them the file is corrupted, because they may test the app.

Best Regards

Hi Nader,
I want to update this case, to the files which has pictures I can read again when I copy from my laptop to my cellphone, the files that has only text they are the problem.
Thank you for your help, I will tell them that adding that I format my mobile phone to new jobs.

Best regards,
Miguel Angel Laura

Hi Miguelangel,

if you mean you have a problem with text files when you copied from laptop to cellphone

what is the type of your text files?

Best Regards

The type are:

  1. GPS data it has maybe, grade minutes and seconds.
  2. I think is also guilty the accent in the words
  3. With less probability Capital Letter

Best regards,
Miguel Angel Laura

Hi Miguelangel,

dos your laptop language as the same of cellphone ?

Best Regards

Yes, by the way is not a great cellphone like I want like Samsung Galaxy Note 8. But is Lenovo PB2 670. 3Gigas as memory ram.

OK Miguelangel,

can you tell me what is your Labptop Language and what is your Setting for non-unicaode as the image

go to control panel :point_right:Language and Region :point_right: Administrative (Tab)

Best Regards

I just noticed that is in "Español (Perú)", because I am working here with them also the mobile phone is the same.
Do you think everything must be in English, the MTC told me that the installation must be in Spanish because they talking almost Al the time in that language.
Best regards,
Miguel Angel Laura


it's look like font issue in your cellphone
if the text files displayed correctly in laptop.

Best Regards