I am having trouble uploading some photos and it shows me this error

I am having trouble uploading some photos and it shows me this error.
Can you help me so that I can upload photos in ODK Collect?



Your query is not clear. Could you explain a little more about what you are trying to do?

Is your app updated?


This is a screen that now shows on Collect launch if the app previously closed with a crash.

@Julian_gp, what can you tell us about the image you've tried to load? What is its file type? How big is it?

Can you try force killing Collect and trying again? You can learn more about how to do this at https://www.androidauthority.com/force-stop-clear-cache-746645/

I'm sorry but I don't have the details, since it was a technician from my company who had the problem.
He has only told me that he has shown him this error screen when taking a photo from his mobile and uploading it to the survey that he was doing in ODK Collect.
It seems that he happens often, because if not, he would not have warned me of the error

If you can find out more about the images, that would be helpful. Please also try to get us the device make/model and Android version.

@Grzesiek2010 I can't find this in the crash logs! Can you please see if you have better luck?

I can't see anything...

Is that the original ODK Collect app or maybe your own customized version of it? If it's the original ODK Collect probably you have disabled Collect anonymous usage data in Settings -> User and device identity and that's why we don't see that crash in our reports.

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