Is it possible to install - and use - ODK-central on an instance of VirtualBox? I presume the answer is Yes, but would it be possible to add instructions for doing it? Specifically, how to configure the (Ubuntu server's) IP address so I can see it?
As you can tell, I am not a Server or VirtualBox expert. I probably can follow the Docker instructions using a virtual instance, but am not sure about making it work. Thanks, Z.
Please see this tutorial for how to configure network in virtualbox so that ODK Central is accessible over LAN/internet. One note of caution, if you are trying to run it on your local PC then you will face challenges related to SSL certificate and it's quit hard to make everything work locally.
If you just want to try and explore ODK central, you have two options:
a) Request Demo at
b) Manually install ODK Central on a cloud provider, most provide free trial for 30 days
Thanks for your response. I am neither a programmer nor an admin, but I can follow instructions and will try to install Central on a VBox VM.
Could you be more specific about the SSL certificate issues? I don't have to use a VM, I can configure a server on my home network, but I suspect the problem will be the same (will it?)
Are there other options of loading data onto a Central server which bypass the issue of SSL/Certifficates? Such as using ftp or USB memory sticks?