Installing ODK into AWS

What is the problem? Please be detailed.
I have followed the guide of the link below:

But I couldn't access to the ODK server page using web browser.
you may test using the URL below:

During the installation of ODK Aggregate, I specify the elastic IP Address of AWS EC2 instance which the tomcat and mysql installation would be.

What ODK tool and version are you using? And on what device and operating system version?
I'm using Tomcat8, mysql 5.5.58

What steps can we take to reproduce the problem?
Basically follow the guide to install ODK Aggregate into AWS Cloud.

What you have you tried to fix the problem?
I also did rename the ODKAggregate.WAR to ROOT.war
so that the url would be :
and also tried without rename, and the url tested is :

I even tried re-install ODK Aggregate and follow the guide again also doesn't solve the problem accessing the main page of ODK form.

Anything else we should know or have? If you have a test form or screenshots or logs, attach here.

Hi @Jiawei_Tan

I'm sorry to hear you are having problems to launch Aggregate on AWS!

In order to help you with this, could you attach here Tomcat's catalina.out log file? It should be in logs folder in Tomcat's home directory.

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I have the same problem. I want to help you

Tengo tambien problemas para instalar el odk en AWS el manual no me funciono.

Have you opened port 8080 in security group of ec2 in aws account?

@Saad si lo eh hecho. En donde noto el problema es. Cuando intento descargar un formulario noto qje la direccion de mi domio tiene https

Pero mi dominio no cuenta con los cetificafos ssl
¿Como lo solicilno ?

@ggalmazor ayuda amigo.

Hola, @Joaquin_CODE! Me imagino que usaste la guia de

Seguiste los pasos de Te dio algun error?

Ningun problemas @ggalmazor

Solo quiero quitar el https y colocar http nada mas

Alguien tiene el repositorio de aggregate-cli sin https en sus configuraciones ?

El procedimiento de la guia obliga que uses certificados. Si no quieres usar HTTPS (no lo recomiendo), entonces tendras que desinstalar certbot y cambiar la configuracion de nginx y Aggregate. Lamento no poder darte instrucciones mucho mas precisas. Espero que las guia que tenemos te sirvan de ayuda:

Tambien @Joaquin_Linares me ha preguntado por privado:

I tried using AWS but I have many inconveniences. Help me to install it on Digital. Do You have some video on how to do it?

Lamentablemente, no hay ningun video (que sepamos) sobre la instalacion en Digital Ocean, pero la guia de deberia ayudarte a ponerlo en marcha. La has probado? Deberias poder montar tu servidor con ella y si te animas, tambien puedes grabarlo en video para el resto de la comunidad :wink:

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