Integration of Enketo into ODK Central

It's a configuration item. See here. Sorry, we are still working on creating more comprehensive documentation for Enketo (same project that funds this work).

I think you're misunderstanding the authentication requirements for the data collector that gets told to use a particular Enketo webform URL to start collecting data. Enketo has no authentication requirements itself for that scenario (and it stores no data). Form access and submission access are only protected by KoBo/Central/Ona/Aggregate if the forms are not public. Whenever Enketo receives a 401 response from Central/KoBo/Ona/Aggregate, when requesting the XForm or form media or external data resources, it redirects or collects credentials (depending on which auth mechanism it is configured to use). (Note that when it uses OpenRosa authentication those credentials are only stored in the user's browser). There is nothing new to be invented here, I think.

The single sign-on experience is supported for the second and third mechanism, but note that this may only be useful for the form administrator, since that is probably the only person that accesses the Central/KoBo/Ona/Aggregate interface.

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