Introduce yourself here!

Hello! I'm Hélène (pronounced L-N). I've been following ODK with interest since its very beginnings at the University of Washington but I only started being actively involved in late 2016 when I joined Nafundi as CTO. Since then, I've been working on our various consulting projects and trying hard to make it easier for people new to ODK to contribute. One project I'm especially excited about is the Collect User Experience refresh that @Shobhit_Agarwal is working on this summer as part of Google Summer of Code. I'm his mentor but so far I think I've learned more from him than he has learned from me! :rocket:

You can find me on GitHub and Twitter.

I'm French-Canadian🇨🇦 but have been living in the US🇺🇸 for many years. In my off time, I like to eat, travel and sew my own clothes. To combine passions, I work on an app called Cora for keeping track of fabrics. My favorite savanna vegetarian is the warthog. :boar: