Introduce yourself here!

HI all,
I am Chrissy h, [@chrissyhroberts on twitter] an Associate Professor of genetics based in the UK at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

I first got involved in ODK around three years back as we needed to use electronic data collection in some PhD field projects in the Western Pacific. ODK was the obvious choice, being open, free, free the other way and also because we had some experience using it from our work and collaboration with the Global Trachoma Mapping Project

Once we had jumped through the hoops of setting up Aggregate on our institutional computer system, it was a no brainer to let others use it too and since then we've been offering all our staff, students and collaborators access to aggregate servers for use in their own research. In addition to this we have set up a device library, loaning out phones, tablets, power packs, solar chargers and so on. All of this is detailed on the LSHTM Open Data Kit webpage

To date we have deployed aggregate for 80 different research projects, details of which can be found here. All these projects share a common goal, which is to improve global health, but they are really diverse. In Brazil, one group of colleagues is carrying out qualitative research on knowledge and attitudes to entomological surveillance for Zika control. In Guinea, others are trialling Ebola vaccination strategies in social mixing networks. In Vietnam, a project is following research into disability-inclusive social protection systems, whilst my own team is mapping ocular Chlamydia trachomatis infections in Kiribati, Vanuatu, Fiji and the Solomon Islands. We've taken ODK to the most remote places and still managed to get data back to our London hub by dinner time!

In the next year or so we plan to open the service up to academic researchers outside our own institution, so hopefully we will be able to facilitate others to use ODK in universities without having to have the technical skills to set up the server themselves.

Outside of data collection, I spend most of my work time trying to figure out why some people don't get ill, even though they have potentially nasty infections and also developing novel diagnostics for infectious diseases research. I also keep hens.

Fun fact : Eye chlamydia is a thing that affects hundreds of millions of people around the world.


Hello everyone,

I am a GIS Data Analyst and I live in Nigeria. I got involved with the ODK Community through a friend of mine. I have been involved in Mapping Missed Areas to reach every child and Mapping Nigeria. My Twitter handle is @tosyn812. I love swimming and hanging out with my friends.

Fun Fact: I have lived most of my life in Nigeria, especially in the Northern part of Nigeria and NO, I'm not HAUSA, lol. Looking forward to learning and improving this app.


Hi, I Moses Kamzati from Malawi, one of Sub Sahara Countries (Southern part of Africa).

I work for a Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Programme. I was introduced to ODK by line manager in 2015, since then i have been working on various research projects and have been using ODK for all our electronic data collection. Am at @mkamzati on twitter.

I love database development, soccer and movies.


Hi all!

I'm Matt White, a software developer based in the United States. I'm excited to be working with Nafundi on a couple of projects, including brainstorming a REST API for ODK Aggregate.

I first discovered ODK while working at Innovations for Poverty Action. At the time, I was a research analyst using Stata daily. I wrote a series of programs in Stata, including odkmeta to import ODK data and metadata to Stata.

Since then, I've moved into web development, and I'm excited to be contributing to ODK!


Hi All,
I am newbe in ODK. I am working in a international project that uses ODK and STATA.
I am here for learn and share my knowledge.


I am H K Solanki from India, working in Rural Development Training & Research area in a Government Organisation.
I was introduced to ODK by one of my Mentors to use it in our training and researches.
I am also involved in translation of ODK in Hindi.
My further details are available at
I can play poor flute and I can do anything without perfection and in unsatisfactory way.
I am "Jack of All and Master of None".


Hello guys! I am Andrew Kabala from Kampala, Uganda. I got started with ODK after being introduced to it while I was working on a USAID project. I found it convenient and easy to use. I have been using ODK for project related research and personal work.
My hobbies are travelling, Photography, Car shows and movies!

fun fact! Did you know birth is the leading cause of death! :slight_smile:


I am also working on ODK and STATA in India.

That's cool. Those two are great tools. I am also a Stata user.

Hello there ODKaers , my name is Jorge Durand , I am an humanitarian worker and an ODK fan since 2013 when I starting to push for mainstreaming ODK into ACF (Action Against Hunger) operations , I may say I did succeed now ACF is using ODK in day to day basis and every ACF country mission has is own server ( You can check the tool kit I put together at : . Also developed moodle course (sorry that is restricted access for ACF staff )

I had also supported FINCA int on implementing several kind of forms and gained experience on form building , All of it via xlsforms ( what a wonderful tool )

Let me express my gratitude to all ODK founders and developers for the great job when finding the missing link between data collection and digital online offline worlds

Also played around ODK and Raspberry PI Aggregate server

Best regards to everybody , I believe I will increase participation on the forum as a way of giving back to the community what the community provided



Hello everyone, am from Ghana. I started using ODK since last year. Hoping to learn from you all as I also share my experience.


Hello all. I'm a bit late to the introduction party, I've been bogged down with a large project (surprise surprise, ODK was a key tool employed for the data collection)

I work for an organization called TANGO International, which employed electronic data collection back in the PDA era. Shortly after joining TANGO in 2012 we began to explore non-PDA related electronic data collection options. We found, and used, ODK for the first time in 2013. By 2014 it was our primary data collection tool. Since then we have completed hundreds of thousands surveys across Asia, Africa, and Latin America using ODK. Most of TANGO's research revolves around food security and household resilience measurement.

I'm currently based in D.C., but I'll be moving to Minnesota (St. Paul) in July. My wife and I are from the Midwest, (MN & WI), and we want our 16 month old son to grow up closer to family. While I love D.C. -- I'm very excited to have a big yard, a riding lawn mower, and a BBQ (smoker). When I envision my fast approaching new Midwestern life, I see myself riding on a lawnmower, with a brisket and pork butt smoking in the BBQ, while my son is playing in freshly cut crass.


Hi All! I am an XLSForm enthusiast. I've done a wide range of survey research and consultancy work using XLSForm. I work at Dobility, the social enterprise that develops and maintains SurveyCTO, an ODK off-shoot. While SurveyCTO is differentiated from core ODK, I'm interested in following new developments in the core platform.

Best regards,



Hi I'm Neil Penman typically based in Canberra although I am currently in Berlin. I work on mobile data collection applications and related projects. I maintain an open source MDC server application that has been in use since 2009. In 2011 I was very pleased to wave goodbye to our J2ME clients and adopt odkCollect which has been, and still, is great!



My name is Arie, from Seattle Washington. I work at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on polio eradication, where we use the ODK suite of tools to help find and report the last polio cases, and then the monitor vaccination programs that prevent spread of the disease (see more here: I first started using ODK with Yaw in South Sudan back in 2014, and have been hooked since.

When I'm not collecting data, I'm analyzing it (I'm a statistician by training, specializing in machine learning), and when I'm not working on data, I try to get out and about in the beautiful pacific north-west of the US, preferably mountain biking or rock climbing.

Fun fact: I was the former paper airplane champion of Quebec, a title which I won by accident and have since failed miserably in my one meager attempt to hold on to it. It's also a great teaching example for statistics! See 'the winner's curse' or 'regression to the mean'.



My name is Rishikesh Mishra & I m a social entrepreneur based out of Mumbai, India.

Here to learn more about this amazing tool and contribute to adding & improving functionalities of ODK.



Hi! I'm Philippe and after some time backpacking in South-East Asia I started to volunteer for a Human Rights organization "Foundation for Education and Development" (FED) in Khao Lak, Thailand ( After a while I decided to stick around and now I'm managing the IT and Design for the organization for about 3 years.

I graduated as a Multimedia Designer in 2007 and in Media Technology in 2012. I've a passion for usability and simplifying processes through visual and interaction design, which led to majoring in User Experience Design and 2 years of Project Managing at a Digital Agency in The Netherlands. I had to explore more of the world and decided to travel around in 2014.

Currently I'm experimenting with ODK to setup easy data collection in the field and data visualization for our Human Rights and Health projects. I'm excited to be here and hope to learn a lot from you!


HI everyone my name is Cleopas Mukanya Hwinya i am based in South Africa ,i have been using ODK since 2012 or so i cant remember .I got involved in ODK when i collected data for a project where we interviewed school children at their schools i remember we had more than 100 android phones and tablets for this . I then used ODK on a clinical trial project and several registers and surveys where we collect data from different clinics and submit to our local Aggregate server at the end of the day .At the present moment i have more than 10 different projects using ODK for data collect and i am planning to implement an HDSS that will use ODK and OpenHDS software to manage the data.

I do enjoy road and trail running after work and this is were i solve most of my complicated problems as i meditate the solutions and i also enjoy playing social soccer on weekends . I do hope to make a positive interaction with all member in the forum


Hi all, my name is Aurelio and I work in Switzerland (Basel) for the Swiss and Public Health Institute (TPH)
I'm Italian but from a bit more than 8 years I work and live in Switzerland.
I'm at the TPH the responsible person for all project running ODK (60 projects spread over 35 countries and 4 continents).
In the last 4 years I've been also involved on Health Demographic Surveillance Systems together with the INDEPTH network ( to help their associated members to move to electronic data collection for their HDSS. In collaboration with the University of Southern Main we developed an android mobile application (OpenHDS) interfaced with ODK collect to collect health and demographic data.
in the scope of the Data for Health initiative (D4H), we have been involved in running ODK training (Collect, Aggregate and Briefcase) in some countries where D4H is involved (Myanmar, Bangladesh, Ghana) and mentoring teams in other countries (Philippines, PNG).
In collaboration with WHO we have developed an ODK version of the 2016 verbal autopsy standard which is currently being rolled out in a number of countries.


Hi, I work for the Pest Management Lab, a very small unit with the City of Edmonton in Alberta, Canada. I've been working to develop ODK into a data collection system for many of our tasks over the past few years replacing many of our paper based methods. Combined with Fusion Tables it's been very, very useful and powerful! The ODK community is pretty great!

I'm an entomologist by training and now I primarily do computer technical/development/GIS stuff. I also cycle a lot. Life's weird.