Hello, My name is Nelson, social worker from Uganda, East Africa. I graduated with a masters of science in monitoring and evaluation in 2019, am here to learn and share. I have vast experience in community development in area of child welfare and sponsorship, am also part time consultant in research, data collection and evaluations. I have volunteered for my church in data collection and assessment to guide redesign process.
Hi, i'm a french engineer involved in water and environmental developement projects in Africa, South America and France also. I use ODK since 3 years, i discovered it through a tender and since i'm enthusiastic! I use ODK mostly on agricultural, envronmental and socio-economic studies. I appreciate the possibilities of ODK through the location widgets, and also the power of xlsform language. I have setting-up an ODK Aggregate server but i would like use ODK Central. I hope also some improvements like grid of text or numeric input in XLS Form language.
Congratulation to the developers and the community !
My name is Chiemeke Augustine from Nigeria. I'm currently an enumerator with Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD) and the Project for Agricultural Co-ordination and Execution (PACE) (FMARDPACE) using ODK collect.
I have been using ODK since June 2020. It's very reliable and user friendly
My name is Bobby, I'm a Nigerian, residing in Cross River State.
I'm a student of Maths Statistics.
I really want to learn and perfect my skills in ODK.
Hey ODK world, my name is Eric and I'm looking to use ODK to cut down on the number of things I need to carry in the field. Currently, my job uses very outdated and inefficient datasheets to record everything we do in the field and I'm really not enjoying having to transcribe 9 years worth of water-damaged, hand-written field notes. My initial google search didn't come up with any useful alternatives until I stumbled onto the ODK page and it's looking like it's got potential!
Hello All!
I am Ali. I am based in Guatemala. The organization where I work needs a "Mobile Data Entry" application and searching through the internet I found ODK. I think I was very lucky to find the project. So, I am just starting to learn about it. I am not very active in social media, but you can find me at @AliAndrettaGT in Twitter.
Some of my hobbies include photography and bread baking.
FUN FACT: I fear roaches!
hello ODK forums world !
I am a serial entrepreneur and activist. I have been using ODK on and off for a few years now. Looking to move to ODK X and also do develop some templates for the organizations I work/volunteer with. Am hitting a few hurdles and thought joining the forum would be a good idea.
I am a postgraduate student in Nigeria. I have used ODK in field data collection for agricultural researches. Though, I am still learning on building of forms haven developed some recently. I hope to intensify the practice.
Hi. I work in fisheries data collection and I'm looking to see whether ODK could be a good replacement for writing custom data collection applications.
Hi I am Siva from India, new to ODK collection. I have 18 years experience in IT and having extensive experience in ERP Implementation ( SAP and Other legacy ERP Projects), Sales,Purchase,Inventory,Production, Quality, Accounts (AP,AR,GL), stock, HCM,CRM.
I am interested for IT Project Management.
I work on the island of Barbados in the West Indies, I'm originally from the US.
I'm a statistician by trade, ( if you can call it that). Been using ODK for a about a year now, really like it.
So figured I would join the forum.
Doc C
I'm Timon from the Netherlands, but doing work in Mozambique as part of my phd research on mapping smallholder irrigated agriculture with remote sensing (my project). I have been browsing for apps on which geodata can be collected, including photos and other relevant information (e.g. crop type, harvesting date), for some time before I settled on ODK. I wanted to be able to send people into the field to collect the relevant data, as I'm based in the Netherlands mostly, and in my field visits I cannot collect enough information to make any conclusions etc. The problem with most apps was that data was not sent to a central point, so data collectors would have to manually send me data through email for example, or share some google folder of something.
But this was all on the back burner, until COVID, when I could not make my frequent visit to the field. So just over a month ago I setup an ODK central server through DigitalOcean, made a questionnaire to collect the goedata (polygons and geo-tagged photos), tested it at home and in Mozambique, and hired some field staff to collect the relevant data for me. The server is perfect for my project, as all the relevant data can be downloaded to R, and I can automate my whole workflow. The next step would be training machine learning models with this data, which is why the automation is a big plus.
I have not contributed to any code yet, but I've contacted @Florian_May from ruODK on mapping the geodata that comes into R from the server.
I hope to scale up the above workflow for the data collection next year, as this year I was a bit too late (end of irrigation season).
Hi Timon, welcome aboard!
Bonjour tout le monde,
je suis Responsable Suivi Ăvaluation du Centre SolidaritĂ© Action Social une ONG en CĂŽte d'Ivoire, une ONG situĂ©e en CĂŽte d'Ivoire plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment Ă BouakĂ© avec un personnel estimĂ© Ă 100 personnes, Nous soumissionnons Ă des projets de bailleurs internationaux et octroyons des fonds aussi Ă d'autres ONG. Nous avons dĂ©couvert ODK Collect au cours d'une mission d'Ă©change Ă Dakar au SĂ©nĂ©gal au sein de l'ONG ANCS; Nous utilisons aujourd'hui cet outil dans les Ă©tudes CAP des Projets acquis.
I'm Dipo from Nigeria. I'm a developer and work mostly with Python, can be found on GitHub as dodumosu (though I'm not very active).
I am part of the team developing Apollo for the National Democratic Institute, a tool for data collection that's been mostly used for election observation, and have been partly responsible for integration of ODK support for it.
I live in Patagonia Argentina. Iam teacher.
I need use sandbox for install ODK central?
and I read that I need write to yanokwa....
Is possible
je suis au BĂ©nin
je suis impliqué dans la communauté par les procédures en ligne
j'ai déjà participé à la formation d'une collecte par ODK
facebook, telegram
non moi je veux maintenant comprendre les contours : la digitalisation jusqu'à la collecte et exportation des données pour traitement: la configuration du serveur ODK
Hello everyone!
I am Anthony Ankrah from Ghana
. I am what you would call a greenhornâ:hatching_chick: to ODK having learnt about it from my Project Manager about 5 months ago.
I must say it was fun hearing him talk about ODK and how customizable the forms were and the wide variety of possibilities it presented to us (being a company in the agro-value chain particularly interested in traceability). His enthusiasm led me to deploy ODK Aggregate via a VM on my laptop. Imagine how bright my face lit when I connected to the server via WiFi and actually saw my imported form built via build show up on my phone.
Currently, I'm trying to figure out, for the life of međ€Šââïž, how to get ODK Central running on Windows. Who knew getting Windows Subsystem for Linux installed on Windows (their own product) could be so much funđ.
Outside data collection and work, I like to listen to music, play video games (CODM has been my goto the past couple weeks), build websites and webapps, watch current tech trends on YouTube, learn/practice/teach a programming-related topic (:panting: ...LOL). You can find me online with the alias @someQhuacyBi or @knit_tech both on Twitter, AnthonyAnkrah on GitHub and AnthonyAnkrah on Gist.
Hope to contribute to this community some day. #FunDaysAhead #LetsGo
A post was merged into an existing topic: Requesting access to Central sandbox
Hello! I'm from Mexico. I'm trying to use ODK to collect field data on sea turtles nesting in our coasts.