Introduce yourself here!

Hi, I'm Zakir Hossain from Bangladesh, I'm beginner at ODK, to learn and develop XLSForm and upload etc. Please help me.


I'm Piotr Wiszniewski from Warsaw, Poland. I work for QED. I'm searching for a good data system. I'm trying out different data systems. Here you can check out all the projects QED is involved in

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Hello all,
I am NTEOWO UDUAK USORO from Nigeria, working as an agent if the federal ministry of agriculture and rural development, using ODK for field data collection.
An animal scientist par excellent, animal breeder and a geneticist.
Thank you all for this rear opportunity.


Hi everyone,

I'm Aly, and I'm based in London, UK.

I'm here because I'm deeply passionate about the intersection of design and technology! I can help with UX/UI related topics, or any service design or research questions you might have.

Currently, I am the co-director and co-founder of Pivotal Act, an initiative focused on helping nonprofits design and build technology to address pressing social and environmental challenges. Prior to my work setting up and running Pivotal Act, I spent 8 years working in technology as a designer, with Pivotal Labs and ThoughtsWorks, and before that in academia in design strategies and technology.

I don't use GitHub (slightly nervous to say that here) but I do use twitter :slight_smile:

Fun fact: I'm Canadian, and I've built an igloo.


Hi everybody, my name is Hélène and I work in Switzerland at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH). I am responsible for the data management in a large project collecting data mainly at primary care facilities and running in 5 countries in Africa and Asia. The project includes a cluster RCT, a longitudinal observational study, a service provision assessment, and several mixed-method / cost and cost effectiveness studies. I did some tests with ODK Central, which convinced me that ODK is the best fit for our setup, but otherwise I am fairly new to the ODK ecosystem. I have a technical background and extensive experience in data science (processing / dashboard visualisation) using Python / R. I will probably spend some time working with RuODK since I would like to conduct data cleaning activities with R. Cheers, Hélène


Hi My name is Chris Castillo and I'm a Geographer in Santa Barbara California. I considered the ODK community for my newest project which is to help an artificial reef building company create a Geographic Information System. We make underwater artificial reef structures in fresh and saltwater for fish, and the ecosystem, so that it can support local fisheries. It's about the habitat, and it's about using ODKCollect in Papau New Guinea, Ghana, and current fields here in California. I'm using FishBuddy as a name for myself because I am filling many roles in my department and within the organization I don't want there to be too much confusion in the flowcharts and organization charts and workflows where my name shows up as manager of everything. Someone will take over ODK from Africa or somewhere soon, don't worry.... It's easier to see myself as FishBuddy in the GitHub realm, and Chris Castillo while I'm out building reefs. I do enjoy being physically attached to my projects, meaning I fish and spearfish, free dive, on my days off. Joking aside, I'm optimistic that you'll find some contribution from myself and our organization. Thanks for checking us out at, and while I'm plugging the non-profit I also want to thank my friends at UCSB. I'm proud of the research and community service that my alma mater University Of California Santa Barbara has contributed locally and globally to GIS, specifically in the Geography Department where all things down this road came from. Thanks to the current and past folks I've met through Geography, it's how I found ODK. Also, Thank you to the others here, who also hit "reply", I'm not usually drawn to constructiveness, I like to sit back, but I'm feeling good about the future of Fish Reef Project, and I'd be happy to get involved- thanks for getting me out of the rocking chair at least to write this. You can follow our progress and understand more about our dream of helping the oceans thrive again -> @



Hello everyone it's me the Hornet nice to meet everyone I'm a carpenter by trade turned drug addict stalker hacker, I just want to rebuild myself

Hello all,
I am from the UK, based in Spain and work in the agriculture sector predominantly in Malawi, Ghana but also other countries. I have been deploying digital systems to manage farmers, supply bases, extension for over 10 years these help companies comply with standards and manage their farm networks effectively. I used ODK a long time ago but have recently come back to use it again, as such i am not new to ODK but I am new to this forum.

The types of project i develop are mostly internal management systems but also surveys. I am currently working on a set of forms which track raw material purchases and finances for a chilli sauce company, a pest and nutrition survey of smallholder macadamia and a stock management system for the production and distribution of masks for covid 19 response all in Malawi.

I look forward to being part of this community there is plenty to learn from all of you.


Hi Everyone, I am Tutu , researcher from Oman.
I am looking forward to being part of this community for gain and share knowledge.

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Hi everyone.

My name is Brendan Trewin and I work as a medican entomologist for the CSIRO in Australia. My primary interest in ODK is for field surveillance of mosquitoes in developing countries. We are interested in developing interfaces for our digital dashboad system that anyone can use and access - internet connection or not.

I'm having a lot of issues connecting everything to a server, and was hoping for some assistance.



Hi, I am a software engineer from UK developing mobile applications for collection and dissemination of environmental data and information in active research projects. Also, developing websites and the technical infrastructure underpinning mobile data collection. I am very much interested in the ODK Central and its capabilities.


Hello everyone,

I am Rebecca from Germany. I am doing my PhD at the German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) in Hamburg. Currently I am working in a reserach project on large-scale land acquisitions, rural change and social conflict.
Our research includes a large household survey in rural areas in sub-Sahara Africa and South-East Asia - we are using ODK to program the questionnaire. This community has helped me numerous times already whenever I got stuck with my excel sheets. Thanky for that :blush:

When Im not collecting data I love dancing, especially Salsa.



Hola buen dia a tod@s
Soy Keiberth
Actualmente vivo en Comayagua, Honduras aunque soy de un pueblo llamado Zambrano del Distrito Central, punto medio entre Comayagua y la capital Tegucigalpa.

En septiembre del año 2018, fui contratado por la Alcaldía Municipal de Comayagua, para coordinar y apoyar el proyecto de linea base de población y viviendas, también se me pidió coordinar un proyecto de censo de negocios en la ciudad en aquel momento desconocía la tecnología de ODK, pero gracias a una alianza de colaboración entre la alcaldía de comayagua y la maestría en Demografía y Desarrollo de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras. fui involucrándome y aprendiendo de las bondades y facilidades de la recolección de datos en campo con tan magnifica eficiencia tecnológica.

Estoy muy agradecido y contento de haber aprendido y seguir aprendiendo de la tecnología ODK este año 2020 que ha sido un año complicado y a la ves de retos y oportunidades pude dirigir y desarrollar dos proyectos muy bonitos entre enero y febrero un estudio de socioeconomico de adopción e impacto por la construcción de fogones mejorados en este municipio, también se hizo un estudio sobre consumo de leña KPT comparando el consumo que realiza un fogon mejorado versus un fogon tradicional.
En mayo de este año y a causa de la pandemia mundial provocada por el covid-19 el Programa Mundial de Alimentos (PMA) tuvo un acercamiento con el gobierno local del municipio de comayagua esto para realizar un protocolo de asistencia a familias afectadas en su salud y economía a raíz de este fenómeno, por lo que se solicito realizar el diagnostico formulándole con una encuesta que recopilaba información importante para la selección de las familias a beneficiar, se intervinieron 30 territorios de periurbanos 28 barrios y colonias y 2 aldeas logrando un alcance de datos de 4,046 de familias intervenidas de las cuales a traves de una calificacion ponderada se seleccionaron 3,600 familias para entregarles un bono alimenticio de 1,800 lempiras y ayudar un poco a sanear esta emergencia alimentaria.
Estoy contento porque gracias a la tecnología de ODK obtuvimos datos georreferenciados, con fotografías de los documentos de identificación y de las familias posando en su casa para dar un contexto mas amplio de la realidad en la que viven nuestras poblaciones, gracias a estas características de información el PMA ha tenido garantía de transparencia en la actividad de recolección de los datos en campo.

Honduras es un país empobrecido por los insensatos lideres políticos que rigen las decisiones de nuestro territorio afectando a la gran mayoría del pueblo humilde, pero en nuestra gente hay mucha bondad y siempre habremos personas en disposición de ayudar aunque sea un poquito a nuestra gente humilde por eso me encanta poder trabajar con la tecnología ODK.


hi there,

I use ODK since more one year now.
I am living in New Caledonia , working for regional administration, in GIS District.
We (I) deployed ODK with Aggregate / Brieffcase / ODK collect for several people in my organization (Road , accommodation to the Department for Social Housing, historic monument, archeology, environment ... and more to come ).

What we had face to with Aggregate is multiplicity of table in the database structure, the old styled HTML pages and the less of profile administration (Central was not release yet). So It was complicated for interfacing collected data to our Information System composed by many and many apps.

So we decided to develop ( I again ) an app in front of Aggregate (we originaly called odk), which is Groovy app, with REST API and EXTJS client interface.
This app get all observation from Form in Aggregate and change the database structure in a more generic way. Obs can has multiple String element / integer / date / picture / geo etc.... and can be a child of another Obs (in that way we call the Obs a subObs). And that everything.

With that way we can use our policy access, publish data to another apps, give integrated functionality like generation of report of one or more observation and more to come.

you can have a quick overview of that app here :
If you want more details contact me ! it will be a pleasure to give you detail


Hello, my name is Dan and I am an environmental scientist working at CSIRO in Australia. I am very interested in the ODK software family as tools that we might use in some of our research. It's exciting to see so much amazing development has taken place to create such powerful tools for collecting field data. I am hopeful I can develop some proficiency with setting up ODK servers and forms for data collection! :slight_smile:


Hi my name is John

I'm a project manager working for iCAIRD - a healthcare consortium developing AI in radiology and pathology in Scotland.

Keen to use ODK as a tool to help measure time and motion in one of our use cases i.e. effectively to help try to assess the efficacy of the particular solutions being evaluated

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Hi everyone
I'm Divine Ibokette, a Forester from Ibesikpo, Uyo in Nigeria.
I'm new here, it was really discouraging scrolling more than a thousand page to write this. But all the same, I'm happy to be here.
I'm currently using ODK for documentation, monitoring and evaluation of farms, farmers data in my community.
T'was really stressing getting down to the page, I'll need to come back again for other extra curricula

Hey Bro, wat's up?
Happy to see you here. How's the community


Miguel from Spain. Freelance working with data. Hope to see you here.

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Hi ODK world!

My name is Funmito, from Nigeria. I'm new to the ODK world, and I'm learning to leverage it in monitoring farmer data in an Agribusiness.

I tweet @FunmitoBlessed occasionally. Outside data collection, I have a little experience with front end web development. GitHub. Once in a blue moon, I write on Medium.

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