Invalid sheet ID when submitting to Google Sheets

My name is Nicolaus Tinkamwesigile working with Faith based organization in Tanzania, am struggling to shift from paper based data collection to soft copy, now three days am on computer learning via yutube to use ODK and my google drive as my server have not succeeded at all. when i get one step foward then another step back. what procedure i use; ODK built make my questions save form as xml form then send to Google drive in google grive i do right click - share to get link and copy link for my smartphone. in my smart phone with ODK collect i can download form fill and send the answer comes as untitled form-invalid sheet id

Welcome to the ODK community, @Tinkamwesigile!

Google Sheets integration is something we need to do a better job documenting, but for Google Sheets, you need to create a blank Google Sheet to host data submissions from Collect, then copy that URL into the submission_url section of the XLSForm.

You can read some (a little outdated) instructions here:

@rfletch0 also has a nice video tutorial here