KOBOTOOL: Unable to Deploy

Good day!
May I ask support and help how to fix and troubleshoot these errors? I tried my best to fix, however, it did not work.

Thank you in advance.

Here is the notification everytime i redemploy the the tool in the kobotool:
unable to deploy
your form cannot be deployed because it contains errors:

ODK Validate Errors: Group has no children! Group: ${group_yi4no55_header_001}. The XML is invalid. Group has no children! Group: ${group_xy63h18_header}. The XML is invalid. >> Xform is invalid! See above for errors and warnings. The following files failed validation: ${tmpx5h287ex} Result: Invalid

Attached here is the tool that contains error:


Welcome @joychavez.ph ,
For KoboToolbox issues, you may better use the Kobo forum, please: https://community.kobotoolbox.org/.

This error shows up, if your form has a group without any visible element. The message gives the name of these groups, so you can find them with the search in Excel.

In your case, see lines 198-201 with a totally empty structure:

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