how can I launch a specific odk form, since I've only found it with an id?
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_EDIT);
how can I launch a specific odk form, since I've only found it with an id?
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_EDIT);
Hi @George
here you can find a sample app that which has that option (opening a specific form using id).
There is also a pr there that demonstrates how to open a form using jrFormId
Hi @Grzesiek2010,
thanks for answering
I have a question: The "jrFormId" is "form_title" or "form_id" name of the form?
It is the form_id...
Thank you very much, you have helped me in a great way, it has worked perfectly.
What would be the solution from an external application built in react native using the URI?
Like this:
const handlerODKSendScreenLink = formId => {
const odkUrl = `content://{PATH_TO_LAUNCH_SEND_FORM_SCREEN}`;
const odkPlayStoreConfig = {
appName: 'ODK',
playStoreId: '',
// Attempt to open ODK form, or send to Play Store to download ODK App
AppLink.maybeOpenURL(odkUrl, odkPlayStoreConfig);