"Length of value too long for a field" error on ODK Central

There is an issue with loading some XLS Forms on Central.

1. What is the issue? Please be detailed.
When l try to upload an XLS Form (xlsx) on Central (v2023.3.1), it is showing the error "Length of value too long for a field".
Unfortunately error message is not helpful to locate and correct the issue. On the other hand, https://getodk.org/xlsform/ converts successfully the form to an XML file, but the XML file also fails to load on Central whereas it runs smoothly on Aggregate

2. What steps can we take to reproduce this issue?
Use the attached XLS form or XML file and try to load it on a Central server.

3. What have you tried to fix the issue?
Clean the form to avoid any special and removable character, clean XLS cells in excel in cas in any content his hiding somewher.

4. Upload any forms or screenshots you can share publicly below.
CIV 2024_PRM2_Système de suivi des alertes de déforestation pour la RNMY.xlsx (15.4 KB)
CIV 2024_PRM2_Système de suivi des alertes de déforestation pour la RNMY.xml (9.5 KB)

Central has an internal limit of 64 characters for form IDs. Yours is 73 characters long. Reduce the length in your settings sheet and report back with the results.

I'll update this limit in the docs.

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Good day,
It worked ! Thank you !

Dear @yanokwa ,

Coming back on this matter, what is your suggestion from migrating data from Aggregate to Central using Briefcase and considering that forms ID from Aggregate mays exceed Central limitations?
