Load Fields Based on Integer Input

1. What is the problem? Be very detailed.
I have a form which asks enumerator about number of people in a session. The fields that follow ask for UUIDs of the respondents. I expect 3 fields asking for UUIDs of person 1, 2 and 3 to load when there are 3 people, asks for UUID of person 1 and 2 when there are two people. When there is only one person as answered then only one field should load for person 1, when there are 10 people which is the maximum the 10 fields should load asking for UUID of all those people. etc.

3. What you have you tried to fix the problem?
Tried using the code below in relevance but it is not working

${Q5I}=1 or ${Q5I}=2 or ${Q5I}=3 or ${Q5I}=4 or ${Q5I}=5 or ${Q5I}=6 or ${Q5I}=7 or ${Q5I}=8 or ${Q5I}=9 or ${Q5I}=10
${Q5I}=1 or ${Q5I}=2 or ${Q5I}=3 or ${Q5I}=4 or ${Q5I}=5 or ${Q5I}=6 or ${Q5I}=7 or ${Q5I}=8 or ${Q5I}=9
${Q5I}=1 or ${Q5I}=2 or ${Q5I}=3 or ${Q5I}=4 or ${Q5I}=5 or ${Q5I}=6 or ${Q5I}=7 or ${Q5I}=8
${Q5I}=1 or ${Q5I}=2 or ${Q5I}=3 or ${Q5I}=4 or ${Q5I}=5 or ${Q5I}=6 or ${Q5I}=7
${Q5I}=1 or ${Q5I}=2 or ${Q5I}=3 or ${Q5I}=4 or ${Q5I}=5 or ${Q5I}=6
${Q5I}=1 or ${Q5I}=2 or ${Q5I}=3 or ${Q5I}=4 or ${Q5I}=5
${Q5I}=1 or ${Q5I}=2 or ${Q5I}=3 or ${Q5I}=4
${Q5I}=1 or ${Q5I}=2 or ${Q5I}=3
${Q5I}=1 or ${Q5I}=2

4. What steps can we take to reproduce the problem?
I have attached the XLS file.

Q5I.xlsx (10.8 KB)

Hi @uwanja
what do you mean by it's not working?
I tried it online and it seems fine:

Hi @Grzesiek2010,

You input 5 but 6 fields have loaded. Try with different numbers and count the fields that are loaded

so I would use just something like:

Q5Itest.xlsx (8.1 KB)

It actually works. Never thought it was such a simple relevance. I am working on a very complex form and I believe my mind is now in complex mode.

Thank you so much @Grzesiek2010