Mapping within a repeat group : show already drawn objects on the geowidget map

These thoughts are more useful here than in my computer...

1. What is the general goal of the feature?

In the context of mapping reality with Collect, it would be very useful to see on the geowidget maps the lines, points or polygon we drew before in the form. For the moment each time we want to create a geometry, the map is empty and it is hard to see what has already been mapped.
This raise the question of defining how to style each object following one of its attribute.

As an extension, such a map should be very interesting to complete the jump menu navigation available in collect. The user can check that all the area he was supposed to map is complete or not.

2. What are some example use cases for this feature?

for the method we deploy within this European project :, we aim to map 60 farm's infrastructures that may increase or support biodiversity (14 types like hedges, grassy stripes, herbaceous land, dry stone walls, isolated trees, remarkable trees, canals, ponds...)
For each object we evaluate 3 indicators (composition, structure and degradation) with various indicators adapted for each type.
The form is an evolution of this one, to be adapted to the particular habitats we want to describe and monitor. We will publish it as soon as we'll get some time to do it :wink:

3. What can you contribute to making this feature a reality?
Discuss about it to better define the need :slight_smile:


Hi Mathieu,
Thanks for posting this! I'm interested both in the odk side and in the content of your project. The team I'm working with ( is also trying to create forms which help farmers visualise and map their farms. We're using geoshape and geopoint and are planning on putting the data into a separate web platform for the final visualisations, but I agree that it would be amazing and very useful if the different points and maps could be saved in different levels, within the repeat of a single form. We haven't yet finalised an initial trial of the forms with farmers yet...

Hi Lucie,

welcome on the ODK Community forum !
When you get a chance please take some time to introduce yourself here and explain the use you make of ODK :slight_smile:
I'll be glad to discuss about your workflow, as it seems to be quite similar to ours :

  • input with ODK Collect
  • Web visualization and editing with Lizmap
  • Editing with QGIS (same qgs project as Lizmap)
  • Datas are consolidated in a dedicated PostGIS database.

Farms are supposed to be visited a second time before the end of the project in order to evaluate the impact of the implemented actions. We plan to use entities for that second field sequence.
A private discussion or (best) a dedicated topic would be a better place to talk about it :wink:

Hello Mathieu,

We are also interested by this feature for a flora inventory ODK form we have in Ecrins National Parc and Alpine Converservatory (CBNA) . The first step of the form is to inventoriate "area of presency" of a specie, so we map them on a them in a loop of geofeature with point or polygon. At the end of the form we ask the person to map the area he has prospected. In this last step it we be very usefull to had all the "area presency" geometry already in the drawn (to be sure to envelop all the "area presencies".
The question of the style is not very important for us. Maybe juste change the default color of the new geofeature vs the new one.

We can help to write doc or tickets about the feature (or any helped needed).


Hi Theo,

welcome on the ODK Community forum !
When you get a chance please take some time to introduce yourself here.

This was discussed a few days ago with other users during the ODK summit and the discussion will probably come up in the future.
Workflows and use cases description from the French Ecrins National Park will be useful to design the feature request.