Matching answers from "Repeat" questions

Hi, I’m new to using the repeat questions feature with ODK, and I’ve noticed that the raw data is divided into different files, including the images.

How can I match and unify this data?

I see that the tables include fields like Parent Key, Key, and Index, but I'm not sure which one to use if I want all the information in a single table, especially since I expect to receive around 10,000 submissions. Could someone help me by explaining, first, if it’s possible to unify this data, and second, which one (Parent Key, Key, or Index) I should use to unify all the data?

You can combine your data into a single table by using the Parent Key and Key fields. The Key identifies each submission, while the Parent Key connects the repeat questions to the main submission.

You can merge this data file using any statistical tool ,R or Python. I believe there is a package for merging these files, but I am not familiar with it since I have not used it before.

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Thank you, this is actually really helpful! :slight_smile:

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