Multi Accounts in ODK Collect Server Settings

What is the general goal of the feature?
The goal of this feature would be to enable persons (Administrators) to switch between accounts on projects that they are working on for different clients without having to change the URL, USERNAME and PASSWORD everytime.

What are some example use cases for this feature?
Well, I am heading up several projects which use ODK Collect as the tool for data collection. Having to always have to reconfigure the "Server Settings" in ODK Collect. I thought that it would be more simple to have a feature where ODK Collect stores instances of URL and USERNAME but not the password. This could be similar to how Google Chrome stores instances of logged in Gmail accounts.

What can you contribute to making this feature a reality?
Well, I am not really into programming although it is something I want to get into, don't mind helping test this to make sure that it's working as I envision.

Thanks for filing this request, @Roxroy_Bollers.

First, I want to make sure you have seen that there is a dropdown for URL in settings that remembers the last 5 servers used. The URL is usually the most painful part to type out so hopefully this helps.

Then, have you used the configuration QR codes available in Collect? This might also make your life easier though it's not exactly what you're asking for. You can configure Collect exactly how you want it on one device and then go to Admin Settings > Import/Export Settings to show a QR code representing the current settings. To configure other devices in exactly the same way, you can scan the QR code from Admin Settings > Import/Export Settings. You can choose to include passwords in the code or not.

Would either or both of these existing features help?

@LN Thanks for your response. I guess, I overlooked those features. That would work for me. Thanks again for getting back to me on this - very timely as I have a project where I have 32 phones to configure :).


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Let us know how it goes and if you have any further ideas for improvements!

Thanks I appreciate. I sure will.

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