Multiple date selection in the calendar

Dear All,

Currently we can select a date in the calendar. But is it possible select multiple dates so that in my case the users can send training plan dates in a single calendar.


would a date question with calendar appearance and a repeat group allowing the user to make multiple selections work?

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@noel thanks for your reply. In that case the user may select the same date multiple times. Another problem is if the user wants to submit a 5 day training plan scheduled to be held 5 months later and want to submit this plan today, then for each date selection users will need to swipe default current month to next five months.


unless you make the first answer in the loop the default start point for the calendar for subsequent responses and similarly use constraints to prevent duplicates? i have not seen an example of this kind of default before but as odk allows references to previous answers in loops it should be possible

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Hello Arif,
I have the same need or question. Do you have now a solution



Hi @jmgodk
Nothing has changed in the way we allow collecting dates. Please tell us more about your case so that we can help you.

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