I hope you and yours are all doing well. Thanks for all the willingness to get involved. @yanokwa and I have been helping on a handful of projects that got in touch directly and we are now having a hard time keeping up.
Would any of you be interested in starting form design for forms B1 and B2 of the WHO first few cases protocol as requested by @dmoran in Contact tracing for COVID-19? I've asked some questions there about process because there might be an opportunity to pre-fill some data. I think getting started on the questions would be helpful, though.
I would recommend that someone start a Google Sheet form and invite others to join and help. I should have time to join in on my day Friday so please give ln@nafundi.com edit permissions.
The two COVID-19 forms we have already shared should be good examples and in fact you'll find a number of questions in common. Copying those in would be a great starting point!