Thanks Yaw, Hélène and everybody who helped with this form. We are recommending to use the ODK version of this form in Nigeria. They also use Contact Investigation Form (Form B1) and Daily Monitoring Form of Contact Symptoms (Form B2)
Does anyone know if someone has already built these forms? I did a search and didn't see it but I may have missed something.
I've been in touch with one locale using ODK for COVID-19 contact tracing but I believe they have a customized form. I'll try to find out in the next day or two.
If you have folks ready to deploy forms B1 and B2, I think we should build community versions. Could you please describe the intended workflow in more detail? That is, do you have a sense of how the contact list would be acquired and how contacts to interview would be assigned to enumerators? This will affect the design of the form.
Thanks for the reply. Yes, I have seen the WHO COVID-19 Confirmed Case Report Form.
I totally agree, if we need to build the the B1 and B2 forms then yes, a shared "official" community form makes the most sense. I have requested more information about the workflow. The initial request I received was on the order of "what would it take" and "could you do it" from our customer. Now we are digging a little deeper and I'll get back when I know.
@dmoran, if there is need to build B1 and B2 forms, I am available to volunteer my time for this task. I have updated the WHO COVID-19 Confirmed case Report form to include States and LGAs in Nigeria.
I am happy to volunteer my time to support this also, @reverton I have the wards data under each local government, if need to hone to that smaller scale geography