OAuth2 credentials exception when changing publish option and entering email address

Error: RequestFailureException (org.opendatakit.aggregate.exception.ODKExternalServiceCredentialsException: No OAuth2 credentials. Have you supplied any OAuth2 credentials on the Site Admin / Preferences page?)

When I change the publish option and I enter the email address I use.What is the issue?

Hi, @Chepkutwodc!

It looks like you need to configure your Google API keys. You can do so by logging in and setting your configuration in Site Admin > Preferences

Thanks @ggalmazor. I have gone through the guide and managed to configure it. It worked. Appreciated



I'm glad you got it working :slight_smile:

@Guillermo Just a followup on this when you publish and it says Error: RequestFailureException (java.io.IOException: toDerInputStream rejects tag type 123)..... what email do I use.
