ODK 1 Developer Call - 2018-04-04

ODK 1 Developer calls bring together developer community to discuss issues that concern us all. Everyone is welcome to participate in these calls.

The calls are held on the first Wednesday of every month at https://uberconference.com/opendatakit from 14-15 UTC. We try to send out a reminder on Slack the day before.

We put the agenda, audio, and transcript of every call at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hszoTRzWG5W04JXgcBzE7BcdEZGB75lA8tftTNZ5lzA

Our next call will be Wed, April 4, from 14-15 UTC (see in your time zone). Will you be there?

  • I will be there!
  • I can't make it this time but I'm interested in future calls

0 voters

Some topic ideas:

  • @Shobhit_Agarwal and/or @yanokwa, update on the Technical Steering Committee, roadmapping, etc
  • @dcbriccetti always has some cool IntelliJ/Android Studio tricks up his sleeves. This might be a good time to share a few? Or @dcbriccetti, you also mentioned you might prefer to do a separate YouTube live session which is certainly an option if you prefer.
  • Recap from having many new contributors at once during the internship application period. What went well? What could we do to improve for next time?
  • Does everyone know how/when translations are pulled into Collect? We could chat a bit about Transifex.
  • Updates that need to happen soon to the Collect codebase and how we should approach them -- using Crashlytics because Firebase Crash is deprecated, support runtime permissions everywhere to target SDK 26+ because of changes in the Play Store policies, any others?
  • I've been participating in the Mozilla Open Leaders program and could say a few things I've learned there about good open source culture

If there are topics you would like to add to the agenda, please comment below. :point_down:


Sounds great ! A brainstorm !!
I'm very interested in Android Studio tricks and new ideas about Collect. Besides, a good open source culture is very attractive to me, I think I can be a quick learner :slight_smile:


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I'd be glad to provide updates on the workings of the Technical Steering Committee and the ODK website. I can also do quick how-to on Git LFS.

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I’m looking forward to sharing some IntelliJ IDEA tips sometime, but, despite my great care I picked up a nasty cold and probably won’t be up to attending this meeting. (Maybe I shouldn’t high-five my students when they make coding achievements.)

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Oh, sorry for missing the call!! I didn't set up my calendar event right, I didn't get an alert and I didn't remember :frowning:

Missed you both, @dcbriccetti, @ggalmazor! But it was a lovely call nonetheless and I certainly look forward to IDE tricks soon. :blush:

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