ODK Aggregate enter infinte loop after submitting a form

Finally I've been able to submit a form to my Aggregate (on
Postgresql), using Collect 1.7.1 and Aggregate RC2.
After submitting the form Aggregate main page enters an infinite loop
the I cant stop only if I can push whatevere button (eg Form
Sumbission) between the refreshes. After a while the loop starts


Several things to do here:

(1) is the problem reproduced on all browsers or just one (try Firefox,
Chrome, Internet Explorer).
(2) in Firefox, please add the add-on "HttpFox" to your browser.
Then choose Firefox / Web Developer / HttpFox
Choose "Start" and browse to the ODK Aggregate instance.
After a few refresh cycles, stop HttpFox then cut-and-paste the rows shown
in the upper scroll area of HttpFox (the http request traffic) into an
e-mail or dpaste and send them to me. I may need further info, but this
will help point me toward the issue.
(3) Check the catalina log for errors (these would begin with SEVERE:) This
log file is in the Tomcat directory, e.g.,
(4) Please also send me the form.

I just tried a simple form on MySQL with images, and all works well except
for an image library not found exception (which prevents the slick resizing
of the images for display inline with the submission results). I'll add
that to the fixes for the official release...

··· ------- Mitch

On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 2:34 AM, giohappy giohappy@gmail.com wrote:

Finally I've been able to submit a form to my Aggregate (on
Postgresql), using Collect 1.7.1 and Aggregate RC2.
After submitting the form Aggregate main page enters an infinite loop
the I cant stop only if I can push whatevere button (eg Form
Sumbission) between the refreshes. After a while the loop starts


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Mitch Sundt
Software Engineer

University of Washington