ODK app cannot open after download

Hi-- I'm trying to download the ODK Collect (v1.9.0) app to my Samsung Galaxy Tab A (SM-T350). When I open the download, I get the error code: 1 (SQLITE_ERROR) (screenshot below).

I've uninstalled and reinstalled, along with deleting any other ODK-based apps on the tablet. I'm a new user; other suggestions for troubleshooting? Thank you!

Hi Ashley, I've seen this kind of error occur when another Collect-derived application updates the database in a way that is unexpected to Collect. The way to recover from that will be to delete the instance database table. If you have developer tools installed, plug in the device and then use adb shell to get into the device's console. Type rm /sdcard/odk/metadata/instances.db* to remove the instances database. You will not lose any data because all existing instances will be re-read from their XML representations. If you don't have developer tools installed, I think you should be able to mount the SD card and delete the db files manually.

What other Collect-based apps did you have on the device? It would be helpful to understand which specifically present these conflicts as we work towards a way to make this a smoother experience.

We have an issue filed with a potential solution at https://github.com/opendatakit/collect/issues/1278. It would be helpful to get some opinions on the preferred course of action!

Thank you! I do not have the developer tools installed. I am a very new user; this will be my first time using ODK.
The other Collect-based app that I deleted from the tablet was LINKS System, but that was not used for data collection on my tablet aside from a few dummy entries. I will, however, delete the instance database and will also review the link provided. Thanks so much for your help!


Thanks for that info! You'll see from the GitHub issue that I filed that my experience was also with LINKS so that's interesting to know.