ODK Build Offline doesn't work with wine on linux

Hi everyone!

I'm using linux system and there's no odk build format for linux, so I use "Wine" to open ODK build offline for win32. I've tried the last version to first version. Only the ODK build 0.1.0 open with wine, but all the menu doesn't work. I click on save files as and nothing happens.
What can I do?
In the area I'm working, we have not connexion, so I must use odk build offline.

ODK Build is no longer being supported, and even when it was, I'm not sure it ever worked with Wine.

Consider using our XLSForm template and XLSForm tutorial for guidance in building forms.

Thank you very much for your answer. My problem is that I won't have a connection when writing the questionnaire, whereas with xlsform a connection to https://getodk.org › xlsform is required. Could you give me some tutorials on using xlsform offline? I saw that this required Python, but I'm not very comfortable with that language because I'm not a technician.
Thank you

You can use Pyxform. Please read the readme file at https://github.com/XLSForm/pyxform?tab=readme-ov-file#pyxform
and try to use it. If you have any problems you can ask on the forum of course.

Many thanks :pray::pray:.
I will see the documentation given in the link.