Hmm, are you running other services on the same server as well?
Given my experience, ODK Central fails to build (exactly at when there isn't sufficient memory. A fresh server with no other application running, requires atleast 2 GiB of RAM to build ODK Central effectively.
Yes, very likely like @yanokwa says. But how did he know?
In the output it says "killed". One of the reasons processes get killed is because of memory shortages, the thing that does the killing is called the "OOM killer" (OOM = Out-Of-Memory). That mechanism reports on its actions in the kernel log, which you can see with the dmesg command, dmesg -T if you're human-like, dmesg -T | less if you want to be able to scroll. One the wikipedia page there's a photo that shows what message to look for, it's a bit outdated, I think nowadays you'll get an extended stacktrace too so there's a bit of noise around the message you'll be looking for (unless the stacktrace is not noise to you ).