ODK docs - pdf download not working

I would like to have an offline reference copy of the ODK documentation (from docs.getodk.org) in either pdf or html - in particular the Briefcase section.

At the bottom of each page there's a link saying Download this documentation as a PDF. However when I click on this link I get "failed - no file". The URL is https://docs.getodk.org/getting-started/_downloads/ODK-Documentation.pdf

Would love to know how I can get an offline copy somehow - is the URL wrong or is the URL correct but something behind has gone wonky? Thanks for your support!

Hallo @nanometrenat

correct URL: https://docs.getodk.org/_downloads/ODK-Documentation.pdf

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This is a known issue that was filed at https://github.com/getodk/docs/issues/1417. There's a pending fix that I hope will be merged soon.

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