Hello am New to ODK and i was trying to pull data from Ona ODK Aggregate with the following error the form i used for data collection was generated usinf form builder and i did not upload any xls form where could the error be originating from

Fetching form definition
resolving against briefcase form definitions
preparing to retrieve instance data
processing chunk 1...
Not all submissions retrieved: Error fetching list of submissions: Fetch of submission download chunk failed. Detailed error: Not Found (404) while accessing: https://odk.ona.io/view/submissionList?formId=aXycypFyr9U84i8CjV4K5Y&cursor=&numEntries=100
Please verify that the URL, your user credentials and your permissions are all correct.

For issues with accessing the Ona server, your best bet is https://ona.io/contact.html. If you find that the problem ends up being Briefcase, let us know.