ODK TAB Call - 2020-08-26

These calls bring together the Technical Steering Committee for the ODK suite (@TSC) to discuss roadmaps, working groups, and other issues of technical governance. Everyone is welcome to come to these calls, but only TSC members may talk.

The calls are held every two weeks (we missed a week!) in our UberConference room. We put the agenda, audio, and transcript of every call in this document.

Our next call will be Wed, Aug 26, 2020. The meeting time should be shown in your timezone above.

The agenda can also be seen in the agenda document

Please comment below on topics you would like to add to the agenda :point_down:

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I think it'd be good for the TSC to get a volunteer to run the next election and put together a timetable for that.

I'd like to present my progress on the website and get your feedback on a launch date.

Volunteer external to the TSC? They just need to facilitate the process described here: https://github.com/getodk/technical-advisory-board/blob/master/STANDARD-OPERATING-PROCEDURES.md#adding-new-members? Do they also need to campaign for people to add themselves to the ballot and facilitate a Q&A type forum thing?

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I won't be able to make this call, unfortunately. And actually, on reflection, I think it would make sense to add my place on the TSC to the next election. I'm realising now that there just aren't enough hours in the day to do all the things that I'd like to :frowning:

@danbjoseph The volunteer should be from the TSC and should be facilitating the process (including the Q&A). Everyone on the TSC should look around the community and encourage good candidates to apply.

@adam.butler Noted (and a bit bummed). Looks like we'll have a minimum of three openings then.

Just a thought regarding upcoming TSC elections... irrespective of the current 1 or 2 years terms currently in place (and possibly expiring soon), it may still make sense to limit elections to a once-a-year event, rather than every 6 months or so depending on when specific individuals' term happens to be coming up. Especially if we are effectively opening it up to multiple candidates each time. Holding TSC elections every 6 months seems a bit excessive, and may become burdonsome. [eg think mine's up next March, does that mean we'll be doing this all again in a few months?]