ODK TAB Call - 2022-06-08

These calls bring together the Technical Advisory Board for the ODK suite (@TAB) to discuss roadmaps, working groups, and other issues of technical governance. Everyone is welcome to come to these calls, but only TAB members may talk.

The calls are held every four weeks in our Dialpad room. We put the agenda, audio, and transcript of every call in this document.

Our next call will be Wed, June 8, 2022. The meeting time should be shown in your timezone above.

The agenda is tentatively as follows:

  • Warm up: The next ODK Convening is happening in your town. What’s your favourite tourist attraction you’ll show us?
  • Review action items from last meeting
    • Migrate Build (staging first) to docker-compose - pair Yaw with Florian
    • Enketo testing options (Helene/Tino)
      • H: share message describing current testing needed
  • Welcome to our new TAB members!
    • Onboarding: check write permissions and access to TAB documents

The agenda can also be seen in the agenda document

If there are topics you would like to add to the TAB's agenda, please comment below. :point_down:


I'd like @LN to join us to discuss what's coming in Central v2022.3.

I can provide a quick on-the-record update to the domain name and trademark issues we've been working through and answer any questions the TAB has about that.

I'd also like to propose we remove Roadmap review from the agenda template. Rather, the most important roadmap item should be put on the agenda by a core team member for discussion.