These calls bring together the Technical Steering Committee for the ODK suite (@TSC-1) to discuss roadmaps, working groups, and other issues of technical governance. Everyone is welcome to come to these calls, but only TSC members may talk.
The calls are held every two weeks in our UberConference room. We put the agenda, audio, and transcript of every call in this document.
Our next call will be Wed, August 21th. The meeting time should be shown in your timezone above.
The agenda is tentatively as follows:
- Approaches for linking form instance changes to individuals
The agenda can also be seen in the agenda document
If there are topics you would like to add to the TSC's agenda, please comment below. 
Main topic on the agenda will probably be to review the proposed spec for logging form changes to individual enumerators. Although I was involved in the forum discussion and expressed an opinion on various proposed approaches [but then I have an 'opinion' about pretty much everything!
] it probably makes sense for someone else to lead the discussion; @aurdipas perhaps you have a more immediate vested interest in this feature?
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Gentle reminder to all @TAB to please review the above proposed changes to the audit log to (optionally) enable the tracking who, when, and why individual form questions are modified during data capture.
And as a brazen attempt to maximize attendance on the call and participation in the discussion, I've added an agenda item from the roadmap: to discuss whether we want to try and have a new ODK logo for the convening!
[hopefully we'll get some time for this at the end].