These calls bring together the Technical Steering Committee for the ODK suite (@TSC) to discuss roadmaps, working groups, and other issues of technical governance. Everyone is welcome to come to these calls, but only TSC members may talk.
The calls are held every two weeks in our UberConference room. We put the agenda, audio, and transcript of every call in this document.
Our next call will be Wed, 27th May 2020. The meeting time should be shown in your timezone above. 2020-05-27T17:00:00Z
The agenda can be seen in the agenda document
If there are topics you would like to add to the TSC's agenda, please comment below.
I think it'd be valuable for the TSC to discuss and decide on the following:
@LN @seadowg Would either of you be available to walk the TSC through the remaining issues?
@yanokwa I'm happy to join and talk through any feedback/concerns the TSC has
I might suggest that a frank discussion around getodk governance, repo maintainership, granting/revoking commit access, and the TSC, may become increasingly unavoidable...
@Xiphware Agreed, but it's not clear that needs to happen on this upcoming call. I'd propose we get an update from @tomsmyth on the MOU because that's one open issue that I think we are very close to wrapping. Then I'd also propose we outline the remaining questions that need to be answered from our ongoing async discussions, then we can have a separate call about that since it's likely to require a closed call.
I'm afraid I shall have to miss this call, because it's my wife's birthday and we will be drinking champagne in the sunshine, no less than 1.5 meters away from no more than one other household of friends.
I will also be unable to make the call tomorrow, alas.
FYI I don’t have anything further to add or bring up regarding the match exactly stuff.
I have added the two items in the agenda with a link to the presentation. Thank you for the link.
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