What high-level problem are you trying to solve?
I tend to focus on the ODK open source rather than talk about SurveyCTO and KoboToolBox because the core ODK provides the underlying technologies for all 3 data collection apps. The user base of thousands of deployments across the globe and millions of data points being collected daily make the ODK-based system a valuable global public data infrastructure.
We need to overcome the limitations of the ODK in treating the master datasets and its referencing capabilities within the data collection forms.
For an effective referencing, we need to be able to call a nested object from the master dataset (lets say entity dataset) into the current operational form.
I have tried experimenting with calling the nested dataset (aka question groups) through entity list first. The entity list is showing 'question-group' name, but not the names and labels of the children questions within that entity.
It is working if i flatten the question group into single fields, but then the enketo doesn't render question group in form UI.
Any ideas on how ODK could help you solve it?
ODK X form specification (here: https://getodk.github.io/xforms-spec/) defines the specification on question group (Groups).
The specification doesn't mention about savetoEntity for groups,
Is there any work around here?
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