Odkmeta: column header type not found. invalid type() suboption. invalid survey() option

Hi @yuliab! When you get a chance, please introduce yourself here. Thanks for uploading survey.csv and choices.csv, as that definitely aids debugging.

When I run odkmeta for survey.csv and choices.csv, I actually see a slightly different error message:

column header label not found
invalid label() suboption
invalid survey() option

This error message is issued because survey.csv does not contain a column named label. However, you can specify a different column using suboption label():

odkmeta using odkmetado, ///
	csv("$data/baseline_180909.csv") ///
	survey("$survey/survey.csv", label(label:english)) ///
	choices("$survey/choices.csv", label(label:english)) ///

See the help file for more details about this suboption.

Also, am I right that you added the first column of survey.csv and that it just contains the row number? If that's the case, you should be able to (and will likely need to) remove that column before specifying survey.csv to odkmeta.

When I take these steps, I'm able to run odkmeta without error. Given that type is the first column once the row-number column is removed, I think that means that there is no issue with Unicode characters.

Hope that helps!