Option not allowed in odk-meta

Hey Yaw,
I am getting this error
"option [ not allowed

with this command

odkmeta using filename, csv(D:\IIHMR\Line_Listing_Questionnaire_test_results) survey(D:\IIHMR\Linelisting_questionnaire, label) choices(D:\IIHMR\Linelisting_questionnaire,label:english)
What am I doing wrong?
Appreciate your help on this. Thanks

Hi @Narendra!

When I run the command you mention, I see the following error message:

option label incorrectly specified
invalid survey() option

The label() suboption is available with the survey() and choices() options. When used with survey(), label() specifies the header of the column of the survey sheet that you wish to use to label variables; it defaults to the label column. With choices(), it specifies the header of the column of the choices sheet that you wish to use to label values; it again defaults to the label column. You have to use label() with parentheses, and you must specify a column header. For example, something like this:

odkmeta ..., choices("D:\IIHMR\Linelisting_questionnaire", label(label:english)) ...

The help file has more information about these suboptions. To view the help file, type help odkmeta in Stata.

I also see that you're specifying the same filename to survey() and choices(). odkmeta requires you to save the survey sheet of your XLSForm as a CSV file and the choices sheet as a separate CSV file. We originally developed odkmeta to support Stata 11, which has limited support for Excel files, which is why we took this approach. In the future, we'll be deprecating Stata 11, which will eliminate the need to export the survey and choices sheets.

Hope that helps!