Papiamento/u not listed in languages

Hi! pap_AW and pap_CW are not listed in the languages. Please look at instead of iana.
In ISO 639-2 only 'pap' is mention similar to 'nl' for Dutch. However, Dutch and Flemish are both seperate languages, so the full code for Dutch (Netherlands) is nl_NL and for Dutch (Belgium) (Flemish) is nl_BE.

Similar we need pap_AW for Papiamento (Aruba) and pap_CW for Papiamento (Curaçao, Bonaire)

We have translated our forms but they don't show up...

Sorry, it seems that forms DO work with any language code. It's just the transifix to translate the app, that's where we need pap_AW and pap_CW please!

Collect's app interface translations are provided by the ODK community through the Transifex service. If you are able to join Transifex to add or correct translations in a language, your contribution would be much appreciated!

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That's right, the form languages are entirely defined by you so you can choose any code that makes sense for your context.

For now I've approved your request for pap. If you want to start the app translation now, I'd recommend doing so for your locale for now (_AW or _CW). We can transfer those translations to the more specific variant if and when Transifex adds it. I have requested this.

Have you or someone you know submitted the variants to be considered for inclusion in the IANA subtag registry? I don't know whether that's a prerequisite for Transifex to include it yet but I suspect it is. Here's the process for getting the variants considered:

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Thanks! I will just start in pap_CW then.
About IANA, this is weird because 'pap' (the language code in ISO 366-2) is not in that IANA list. This is weird and wrong.

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Sounds great!

I see it at as having been added 2005-10-16

It sounds like Transifex uses ISO 639 as its source which makes sense now that I think about it. I'm not familiar with the relationship between 639-2 and 639-3 but I see that they both have a process for requesting additions: and

And Transifex has their own process:

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Hi @LN , Transifex added pap_CW and pap_AW, and I requested those for the project. The original request for pap (without CW or AW) can be deleted. Please let me know when you added those languages. (If that's the procedure).


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Great news! I have accepted the request and added you as a language reviewer.

The next time that there's a Collect release, we'll add any new languages with translations. If you get a bunch of the translation done and have a time-sensitive need for it in the app, please let us know and we can get it out earlier.

Thanks! How do I add people to the translation team. I had one person make an account on transifex but she could not open the odk translations. What are the steps and can I do it or do I have to ask you (not a problem, of course).


Is there any news on this?

There shouldn't be any need to explicitly add people to the translation team. Anyone who creates a Transifex account and then starts translating at should be automatically added as a translator.

We don't have a Collect-specific translation guide but you may find that the Central guide has a few relevant and helpful notes.

Thank you! Will try again and let you know.