Populating a select_one_dropdown with the results of an ajax call (Unexpected token & (on form conversion) ODK 2


Maybe this helps someone else

I kept getting this error 'Unexpected token & (on form conversion)' in the
callback column in my queries sheet. After some head scratching it seems
this was related to having white spaces in the callback function. What
worked on rev 204 was this

query_name query_type uri callback

country_list ajax "https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?format=json&q="

  • encodeURIComponent("select * from geo.countries where place='North
    America'") context.query.results ? _.map(context.query.results.place,
    function(place){place.data_value = place.name;place.display =
    {text:place.name};return place;}) :

I used this document to work this out ->
and would have added this infothere but its not editable


Hi Ian,

Thank you for pointing this out. We've moved the documentation to the
following link.


Please request edit access. We will make sure that you can add your


ยทยทยท On Sat, Jul 16, 2016 at 11:53 AM, Ian Lawrence wrote:


Maybe this helps someone else

I kept getting this error 'Unexpected token & (on form conversion)' in the
callback column in my queries sheet. After some head scratching it seems
this was related to having white spaces in the callback function. What
worked on rev 204 was this

query_name query_type uri callback

country_list ajax "
https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?format=json&q=" +
encodeURIComponent("select * from geo.countries where place='North
America'") context.query.results ? _.map(context.query.results.place,
function(place){place.data_value = place.name;place.display = {text:
place.name};return place;}) :

I used this document to work this out ->
and would have added this infothere but its not editable


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