Proposed Process to Rename ODK 2

The PMC is seeking community suggestions on creating a process to rename ODK 2. Based on the website sequencing discussion there appears to be some amount of community consensus on trying to quickly rename ODK 2.

A possible process might look like:

  1. Start a brainstorming forum topic for ODK 2 name suggestions and an online survey for suggestions for those who don’t feel as comfortable suggesting names on a public thread.
  2. The PMC then takes the list of suggested names and consults with a subset of ODK 2 developers and the ODK 1 TSC about the names to narrow the list to a few choices.
  3. Post the narrowed list of names on the forum for the community to vote on.

@tomsmyth thank you for volunteering to help with renaming facilitation, the PMC is looking forward to hearing your suggestions as well as everyone else’s suggestions about this proposed process.


Step 1 seems great. Step 2 could be a little more democratic and Step 3 is prone to drive-by voting.

I'd propose we do Step 1, but instead of Step 2 and Step 3, I propose that the PMC, ODK 1 @TSC, core committers on ODK 2 try to reach consensus on a name through a time-bounded public discussion. If there is strong opposition in those discussions, then the community votes, but voting is limited by to forum members with trust level two or higher (~100 people currently) and GH committers.