Pull Data select_multiple

Good day,
My first time posting so hope I am following the rules.

I have 2 csv files. One for Households which i will call hh.csv and the other for individucals (indiv.csv)

I have been able to pulldata from the csv using pulldata('hh', 'hhlabel', 'nidhh', ${nidhh}). these are the columns in my hh.csv file- nidhh communityid hhh hhlabel hhsize. These are the columns in my indiv.csv file nidhh nid name relationship pullid.

I have used select_one to successfully pick a household.
what i want to do is use select_multiple and pulll all members of the household from the just selected household and ask if they are still members before i proceed to ask them more questions. I am relatively new at this and i would appreciate it if the next step is also provided (asking the chosen people more questions). Thanks

Hi @orduen_shambe ! :smile:

I recommend checking this video and this video out. It explains the usage of "search" function and "choice_filter" while designing the xlsforms (thanks to @janna ). As far as I know, they both can alternatively be used to implement what you are aiming for!

As a beginner, the above two topics were kinda complex to me. So, feel free to ask further assistance if necessary!

Coming to the next steps, it depends if you wish to ask the upcoming related questions collectively from all of the selected family members at once (you may not require a repeat group in such a case) OR you wish to ask separate questions from different family members (you may require a repeat group to handle this).

Great day ahead! :smile:

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