QR code contains no information about google map style

1. What is the problem? Be very detailed.

  1. The qrcode natively generated by ODK Collect does not carry information about google_map_style (attached image).

  2. Also, when I generate my own qrcode containing this information, no modification of this parameter is displayed in the application.

2. What app or server are you using and on what device and operating system? Include version numbers.
ODK Collect v1.27.3 (tested on LG G4, Samsumg A20 and S9+ mobile phones)

4. What steps can we take to reproduce the problem?

  1. Reset ODK Collect application. Change the Google Map Style to a non-default option. Follow the steps to generate a native ODK qrcode and decode its content. (like it was done in the attached image.)

  2. Follow the steps described in the item 1 to generate a native qrcode. Reset the ODK application and try to configure it with the previously generated qrcode. Check if it was able to make changes to the application.

  3. Generate a JSON with google_map_style key with a non-default value and follow the steps to create a qrcode from it. Try setting up ODK Collect with this qrcode and check if it was able to make changes to the application.

5. Anything else we should know or have? If you have a test form or screenshots or logs, attach below.

I also noticed that the ODK documentation is outdated for some keys (see below). Maybe that could be the problem.

The value "other" is actually "other_protocol".

The value "collapsed" is actually "yes_collapsed".

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Thanks for the notes about the bad keys! We'd really appreciate it if you could submit a fix.

Did you also set basemap_source to google?

Hi @LN! It's a pleasure to talk to you.

Yeah. Actually, I tried it two ways. In the first, I configured my qrcode with google_map_style set to a non-default value, and in the second, I used both basemap_source set to google and google_map_style to a non-default. In both cases, the qrcode is not able to modify the parameter in ODK Collect map settings.

I'll submit the fix!

Thanks for submitting the fix!

Could you please share a QR code you've generated with both basemap_source set to google and google_map_style set to a non-default?

Sure, @LN!

My QR code:

I'm also illustrating the steps I've taken to generate the QR code via Collect, as mentioned in the item 4.1 of my initial comment. Take a look at the QR code content.

4.1) Reset ODK Collect application. Change the Google Map Style to a non-default option. Follow the steps to generate a native ODK qrcode and decode its content.

Just updating...

ODK Collect v1.28.0 solved the bug.


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Thanks so much for following up! We dug deeper and fixed some issues with how settings keys were migrated. Seems that might have been what you were running into.

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