Save data into a PDF form

I have questions about a function, I didnot saw a discussions about fill pdf foms out of Collect app.
Is there a solution to save the values of a form after collect the data, maybe at the end of the form, and push the values of the questions to a pdf form, that is saved at the device as disableFormEditing call?
I saw that the form will be dispalyed complete with the answers as draft or overview. If I create a pdf form with the identical fields (fieldnames and questiontypes), that will be requested in the form (Collect App) and save it to the device would it be possible to transfer this data into the pdf form and save it with all information (answers/Values, signs, pictures....) as disableFormEditing call?
I am not a developer, and I saw that there are different SDK libraries?
LIke this:
And at a discussion: "The native PDF support on current Android platforms (including Android P) doesn't expose any controls for filling forms. "

Waht are you think, is there a solution possible or is it complicate and need to much time to solve it?
Greetings Maggi

Hi @Maggi

Recently we have released ODK Collect v2024.1 ODK Collect v2024.1 and one of the new features is printing (read more Printing ID Cards - #6 by LN). You can prepare a document so that it is a copy of your entire form and instead of printing it (with a printer) save it as a PDF file.

Hi @Grzesiek2010 ,
thank you for your answer. I will take a look to this ne feature, mabe it can save my idea. The way would be a little bit different I think, so I understand it, then I have to create a copy of the exisiting pdf form with this will look after this nearly the same design at the end. Maybe this could be difficult. But thanks I will try it...or will ask some one with html experience how complicate it would be.....

It sounds like you want to fill out a pre-generated PDF? It's a lot easier to do that server side.

You can use pyODK to pull the submissions from Central and PyPDF2 to fill out a PDF template.

You could also try using the ODK Zapier Integration to connect ODK with and build a flow where all approved submissions generate a PDF.

Is there a reason why this needs to happen on the mobile device and not the server?

@yanokwa : Thanks for your hints.
So mybe I must explain first why I asked about a fill of a pre-genertaed pdf form.
Because I used it before I want to go the step to odk, I got a scan of a pdf Form, and create with Acrobatpro a form at the same style incude the questions. And fill it out, save the pdf form, and at the end it is possible to load all pdfs to create a Excel sheet of all. But with a smartphone or tablet in the field it is not so confortable.....
My idea was, there is maybe a way, to export the data from odk collect to the pre-definied form with question maybe, and save it as a print pdf Document to attach it at the end of form to send all to the server.
Alternatively I saw a Windows app "Ovis pdffield-merge", that can do the same after the export from ODK server and create different pdf forms named by a question label.
At this way, I can create the pdf documents only, if all form of one project are ready and uploaded. If I can create it directly, one by one, I can use them directly and must not wait to all......
I think your hints are more for server admins or coder? Or is ODK Zapier also usable for endusers without coding expiience?
Best regards

Are you extracting the responses from the pdfs to populate a table of data in Excel? And is that the only reason you need the pdfs? If so you can use power query in Excel to get all your responses and load them to a table.

@ahblake : Yes thats the way I do it, before I use now ODK. I fill out a pdf form and select all the pdf forms to convert the answers as one Excel sheet. That is the way I do it in past, I do it because I want at the end two results. 1. the Excel table with the results and a printable version of the form, styled like the template of which I create the form to fill it out. This can also saved as a pdf.