Rank Widget in Decipher


My name is Sandeep. I come across great widget. It is in decipher.

Link below

See https://docs.getodk.org/form-question-types/#rank-widget for our rank widget.

Thanks Yanokwa, decipher widget in first comes with without rank and as we touch it gives rank. It is possible to improve our rank widget Yanokwa.

Hi @Sandeep_Prabhu, the ODK team works extensively with the community when developing features and also spends a lot of time reviewing how other products have done something. We encourage you to regularly log on to the forum and join conversations about the ongoing development of ODK!

Regarding the rank widget there are likely good reasons for why it has been built a certain way. However, if you have feedback then the #features category is the place to "Discuss features on your ODK wishlist and share ideas for improving existing features. No technical knowledge needed!" You may start a thread there if you have an idea to improve an existing feature.

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Thanks Danb. for guiding. I will start thread on #features